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the best esl program in montebello

Updated: May 9, 2018

Let's face it, learning English can be tough! Here at MCAS we offer every level of English Language learning. We are here to support you along your journey to language equivalency and fluency.

“No matter where you are in your journey to learn English, we can get you the rest of the way.”

Esl 1-6

The ESL program is for limited and non-English speakers who are interested in learning how to speak, read and write English. Classes in all levels of English. Free childcare is provided in the day classes for the pre-school children of the students.

Este programa esta disponible para estudiantes interesados en apreder a hablar, leer y escribir el idioma inglés. Los estudiantes seran inscritos en uno de siete niveles desde principiante a avanzado segun los resultados del examen.

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